being essential
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- being essential
As with our Chef's range - dirt(y) - we know Home Cooks value good food too.
We've come up with some simple guidelines to ensure our food is fit for your pantry.We try and tick the right boxes for a whole heap of reasons when deciding if a product is good enough for our pantry.

knowing who grew it and how it was grown.

low footprint, natural farming, water wise, and in the case of legumes a natural nitrogen fix for the soil to benefit future cropping.

minimal processing; we don't unnecessarily refine, or process. Sure our dal is skinned and split, dah!....otherwise it wouldn't be a dal! But our overall aim is to get food to the table that is nutritionally complete and healthy. If you want to eat "numbers" swallow a calculator.

farmers; we're supporting them
these guys and girls built the country, they have fed us for a couple of hundred years and our Australian dirt has made us the lucky country. They deserve to be supported and paid top prices. It's not just an issue of fairness but of food security; if we don't pay "fair" for food then quite simply our local food bowls and farming communities will disappear.

low food miles
minimal distance from farm gate to you. Our foods are grown and processed in Australia. We do not print boxes, labels and cartons offshore, and all our packing is done locally which not only helps Australia's "bottom line" but also lowers Co2 outputs.

artisan methods
hey - farmers are artisans too! Those old ways handed down from generation to generation of traditional, hands-on farming methods that grow minimal-process foods with nutrition are what makes some food better than others; but this sort of farming costs a little more.

small batch
you might find a essential product unavailable. Devastating for you but really, that's a good thing! We source only recently harvested crops and wherever possible from a single origin, but when it runs, well it runs out! Food is not a tap, it's seasonal and finite and that's exactly why it is so valuable.

food is fuel for your body. The more processing and interference it has the lower the value it has to your body. Despite minimal processing on some of the range, we’re still trying to get food to your kitchen table that is nutritionally superior to stuff that has been stored or siloed for years and processed to within an inch of its life.

We're all about the days when fast and furious can also be nutritious and tasty too - think street food vendors banging out some of the best food in the world in minutes. Our favourite street food of all is dal; cooked with lentils or chickpeas with their jackets and pants off (skinned and split) so they cook quick, which means you can knock dinner on the head in minutes.